Welcome to ThermoFAST Web []

ThermoFAST Web is a thermodynamic property calculator for natural gas, LNG, ammonia and hydrogen with the ability to perform vapour-liquid-solid equilibrium calculations.


ThermoFAST is a product of the Fluid Science & Resources group at the University of Western Australia (UWA), funded initially through the ARC Training Centre for LNG Futures and subsequently through the Future Energy Exports Cooperative Research Centre. Individual members of the GPA Midstream Association Research Committee provided input during the development of ThermoFAST in the form of testing and suggestions for the user interface.

ThermoFAST Web is an adaptation of the ThermoFAST code which enables a similar degree of functionality to be delivered via a web browser. The implementations of ThermoFAST Web and the ThermoFAST executable are not identical and different outputs may be produced by the two codes in certain cases. Please contact the developers if you identify such a case, citing the current version number.

Each person who uses or refers to ThermoFAST Web will need to make their own decisions based on consideration of their own internal best practices, recommendations, and engineering judgment. UWA does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or efficacy of this software. Use of the information provided in this software is voluntary, and reliance on it should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy, completeness, and efficacy.

UWA makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee in connection with this software and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use.

Click here for instructions on how to cite the use of this tool when preparing a journal article, thesis or professional report.

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